How to Transition From Bottles to Cups

Let your child grow up, is an incredible experience, but also feel an incredibly hard, because they grow so fast. A milestone that marks the transition from a baby to big kid is using a cup instead of a bottle. Baby bottles are cute, but let's be honest, they are for babies. If your child is able to eat like a child they need to be able to eat like a child to drink.

Some children are very attached to a bottle, while other children haveBlankets, Lovie, toys or stuffed animals that they can feel safe and secure. Unfortunately, for some parents, there are children, both a point and a bottle, so you have to know your child and know what to replace them comfortable and that with something new.

Parents often try to out of sight out of mind option. Once you wash the bottles completely collapse and they offer the only big kid cup. If a child has no other choice, they will eventually disappear over the bottleto act and start the new cups. Some slowly taken away by a bottle in the morning and evening, but only cups throughout the day with meals.

Many parents try to explain or rationalize the transition with their children, saying, "big kids drink out of cups and small children to drink from bottles. You're a big kid now so the bottles have to go bye-bye." Sometimes, the preamble does, that children at other times completely hysterical thinking their favorite element is going away in the process offorever.

Listen to find out and you see your child and what is the best solution for both of you. It is for both parents and children to let go heavy, the "baby" bottle, but in the end it will make life easier on both.

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